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On March 25, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee signed House Bill 2638, which amends several laws and regulatory and licensing requirements/crimes in the Gambling Act, and now authorizes sports wagering subject to the terms of tribal-state gaming compacts. Tribes' Class III gaming compacts will need to be amended; new Commission rules will need to be adopted; and any new sports wagering licenses will need to be approved before tribes can offer sports wagering at tribal casinos.What's the latest? February 2021: Sports Wagering Pre-licensing Investigation Rules are passed with an effective date of March 29, 2021 Commission staff will continue working with stakeholders on draft language to address money laundering and criminal enforcement, sport and gambling integrity, and responsible gambling (i. Washington's sports wagering law and approved tribal-state compact amendments allow for mobile sports wagering provided that the wager is placed and accepted at a tribe's gaming facility only while the customer placing the wager is physically present on the premises of that tribe's gaming facility. What events and wagers are allowed under Washington's new sports wagering law? Sports pools are allowed under Washington state law as long as: (1) the board is based on a single athletic event, (2) the board is divided into 100 equal squares, (3) numbers representing game scores are randomly assigned to squares, and (4) you must charge no more than $1 per square. Both businesses and individuals can conduct sports boards within strict limitation. replica bags

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